Good morning. Due to the inclement weather, and for the safety of our patients and staff, we are going to close the office today.
For any emergencies, please call 911, but we will be checking phone messages each hour. Please leave a message at 609-383-3800 if you have a matter that cannot wait until the office reopens tomorrow.
If you have an appoint scheduled for today, someone from the office will be reaching out this morning to reschedule you.
Depending on when the snow stops, we may close the walk-in clinic tomorrow to allow staff the extra time to get in safely. We will continue to post on facebook and our website with updates.
Stay warm and safe!
Good morning. Due to the inclement weather, and for the safety of our patients and staff, we are going to close the office today.
For any emergencies, please call 911, but we will be checking phone messages each hour. Please leave a message at 609-383-3800 if you have a matter that cannot wait until the office reopens tomorrow.
Depending on when the snow stops, we may close the walk-in clinic tomorrow to allow staff the extra time to get in safely. We will continue to post on facebook and our website with updates.